Hi there!

Welcome to my blog. I hope you find something that inspires you, makes you smile or gives you an itch to create something new. Take a look around, talk soon!

obsession de semaine

obsession de semaine

Currently, I'm training to be a lifeguard for the summer (Yay!!). I know this doesn't sound trilling (trust me, it isn't), but the classes are from 8-5 every day this week. So, I have no choice for it to become an obsession for the week. 

Going into the class, I thought it would be a snooze sesh but it is actually interesting! We started out with the typical...tell kids the rules, make sure no one drowns, etc. but after the first day, it got a little more interesting! Learning about CPR and the techniques for saving people in water is actually cool to learn about. 

Also a disclaimer: I definitely will not look like the picture above this summer. But I sure will try :)

Chaco Tan! I've made a promise to myself that everyday I am working this summer, I will wear my chacos! This way, I can give my best efforts at a Chaco tan. In past summers, I've tried so hard and no chaco tan has come from it. But! This summer will be the one. Plus, summer is better with Chacos.

All of this in hopes that I pass my test today. Wish me luck!

xoxo, emily

72 Days of Journaling

72 Days of Journaling

Grad Party

Grad Party