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Goal Check In

Goal Check In

It's September, and it's hard to believe that I wrote my new year goals nine months ago. This year is flying! But with that, I wanted to take time to check in with the goals I made. I mentioned in my January post that it is important to keep up with these goals we make for ourselves. You can also read why I encourage you to call them goals instead of 'resolutions' here

I have always loved the start of a new year because of its symbolism for starting fresh - and it's always a good feeling to start fresh. I think this is something everyone could agree on. But I think where we went wrong was thinking we could only make goals for ourselves in January. "It's a brand new year, so everything must change." Wrong!

In reality, the date changed. That's it. So what's stopping you from creating those goals in November, then carrying them through the new year? I know how easy it is to forget these goals and move on without a goal in mind, so that's why I am checking in on mine, and I encourage you to do the same! 


Blogging // In January, I had goals to bring new things to the blog. My posts at the time were monotonous, and I personally didn't feel inspired by them. And, of course, if I don't love what I'm putting out, why should I do it? This summer, I allowed myself the time to really figure out what I wanted to share here and why. I touched on it in my post about finding inspiration. It was a tough post to write because I am trying to figure it out just as much as the next person, but I thought it was an important topic to write about because without inspiration, you have no motivation for your goals. 

Creatively // Back in January, I was really interested in working with different mediums beyond just writing. Since then, I've experimented slightly with video and found that it's a fun outlet, but maybe not something I'm completely comfortable with. I've loved working through different ways to create content, but I have mainly stuck with writing because it's what I love to do. As far as the original goal of working with video, I didn't follow through as much as I wanted to. 

As far as photo goes, I spent my summer trying to create more cohesive photos to use here and on Instagram. I really do love finding the perfect shot of whatever it is I'm trying to photograph, so this has been fun for me!

Time Management // I said this in the original post - I knew this was going to be one of the hardest to commit to. Especially right now with school in its first month still, I get easily distracted by EVERY LITTLE THING. This one goal is a great example of why its important to update your goals and reestablish them because it is something I have to be very conscious about. 

I'm really not great about it still, but I have started putting my phone AND laptop on Do Not Disturb while I'm doing homework. I began by just putting my phone on Do Not Disturb, but later found myself texting people back from my computer (Thanks, Apple). For the most part, it works! It is really a self-control thing because even if my phone sitting on the table, I have to restrain from looking when I know I have notifications. Please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem :/

These goals all have a theme of learning. I am learning where I want to take my blog in the future, I'm learning how to work with new mediums and I'm learning to be more conscious of my time management. So, with this year coming to an end so soon (yikes!), let's be intentional with what it is we are doing. My one goal for the rest of the year is to learn with intention. 

Have you updated your goals? Leave a comment with your favorites and the theme of your goals, too! I hope everyone has a great rest of their week!

xoxo, emily

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